Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery

Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery

Are you looking to get a capsular contracture repair surgery in Fort Lauderdale?

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most sought-after ways to gain more confidence by changing the shape, size, or fullness of the breasts. One of the ways implants adhere and remain in place is due to the body’s natural response creating a protective capsule of scar tissue around the implant. Sometimes, however, these capsules harden and can cause misshapen deformities in the look and feel of the breasts, causing discomfort and in some cases pain. Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery can be used to reverse the look and feel of this complication, resulting in the desired shape and feel of the breast augmentation.

Because the protective capsule of scar tissue aids in the secure placement of your breast implants, there is a general scale utilized to determine whether or not a Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery is right for you. As always, here at the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our highly-trained staff and top-tier surgeons will aid you in determining where your breast implants sit on the scale:

  • Grade 1: Breasts appear soft and natural, and no discomfort is felt.
  • Grade 2: Breasts appear natural and normal, with slight discomfort, but mainly cosmetically firm.
  • Grade 3: Breasts appear abnormal with an unnatural look, which is not always, but can be accompanied by discomfort.
  • Grade 4: Breasts appear abnormal with an abnormal shape, potential bulging, and is accompanied by discomfort and pain apart from cosmetic deformities.

As always, our surgeons will go through a complete individualized consultation with you to determine which gradient your capsular contracture is with most breast augmentation surgeries leaving patients at a Grade 1 or 2. If it is determined you are at a Grade 3 or 4, your surgeon will speak to you about your options, including Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery, so that you will both look and feel your best.

The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery has been providing top-tier cosmetic surgeries for over 15 years, which is why it is one of the top destinations in the area for cosmetic procedures. Whether they be local clients, or those that travel to us because of the trust we have earned from more than 10,000 satisfied patients, our premier cosmetic surgery center is the best choice for helping you look and feel your best.

Starting at $1,999

  • Improves the natural look of the breast augmentation.
  • Mitigates the discomfort or pain associated with hard scar tissue build up.
  • Typically completed in under 2 hours.
  • Return home the same day.
  • Competitive pricing and flexible financing options available.

Following your consultation with our renowned plastic surgeons, they will determine to which grade your capsular contracture is, which will also determine the final cost of your surgery. Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery begins at $1,999, not including anesthesia or other surgeon fees. Your aforementioned consultation will provide more specific financial cost information, and as always we are here to discuss any and all questions with you to provide clarity.

We believe at the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery that offering support for our patients by finding the most convenient payment method for their procedures is what adds to our outstanding level of service. Please speak to us about our variety of options including our relationships with third-party financing companies with offers of flexible payment plans, depending on credit approval. Through our extensive network of top-tier vendors and physicians, we will find a solution that is comfortable for you, so that you can go back to being your most confident self.

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Before & After Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery

Actual Patients Shown Before And After Surgery. Your Results May Vary.

Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella
Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella

    The Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery Process


    Due to the nature of determining to what degree your scar tissue has developed, the initial consultation for this procedure is extremely important to determine candidacy for the Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery, especially because it can be associated with pain or discomfort. Be prepared to provide a complete medical history, including all medications you may be taking, a list of allergies, and any documentation of previous surgeries including your breast augmentation(s). After speaking with your plastic surgeon regarding candidacy approval, there is an extensive physical examination including blood tests, before the South Florida Center staff takes photographs and reviews your surgical plan. Prior to the procedure, important instructions will be provided for you including cautions about consuming certain foods, medications, or alcohol. Protocols for hygienic purposes will also be given.


    As this is a breast augmentation revision category of surgery, the procedure varies based on each individual case. After your surgeon determines which grade level (Capsular contracture Repair Surgery is determined at the Grade 3-4 level) you are, they will walk you through how they will go about removing the scar tissue that is encapsulated around the implant, and how they will re-implant (or provide a new implant) to your breasts. Your surgery will likely involve one or more of the following:

    • A carefully placed incision will be made to the breast
    • The implant is carefully removed along with the capsular contracture scar tissue that has been attached
    • Any additional scar tissue remaining can also be removed
    • The plastic surgeon will re-implant the implant 
    • If needed, a new implant will be inserted as a replacement


    After your successful capsular contracture revision surgery the plastic surgeon will carefully bandage your breasts. Your chest can be slightly uncomfortable, and you may notice some bruising and/or swelling. Full recovery and the settling of the surgery can take 3-4 months to see completed results. Because this is a restructuring surgery in nature, your surgeon and our patient advocates will be sure to monitor your results.

    Post Surgery

    Following your capsular contracture repair procedure follow-ups are: one day, one week, and one month after the procedure. After that visit, further appointments will be advised by the doctor to ensure the development of the natural scar tissue.

    Capsular Contracture Repair Surgery Testimonials

    Heather F.

    I am beyond happy with my results from South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery. The staff is AMAZING! I got a Breast Augmentation, and I am now 4 months post op. Dr. Pinnella did a fantastic job. I am very pleased.

    – Heather F.

    This decision will be made by your surgeon based on the look and feel of the breasts following a breast augmentation. The plastic surgeon can also determined your candidacy by the feel, discomfort, or any levels of pain associated with any scar tissue deformity from the capsular contracture.

    A consultation with one of our top-tier plastic surgeons will provide this decision, if you feel like you might be a candidate, especially if you are feeling any pain or discomfort, please contact our center for a consultation.

    Our top-tier plastic surgeons are highly skilled in all breast augmentation surgeries and repair surgeries, and know how important the least amount of visual scarring is to our patients. They will use their expertise to mitigate any and all scarring. In addition, following proper post-operative instructions is key to minimizing scarring.

    General anesthesia is always provided during our procedures, and here at the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, we only have general anesthesia administered by a professional M.D. Anesthesiologist.

    This varies depending on the degree of the capsular contracture, where the scar tissue has developed, the amount of scar tissue, if there is pain included, and the nature of any deformities of the breast. As with any cosmetic surgery, this will be determined after an extensive consultation with our world-class plastic surgeons, as will any decisions that might be made during the capsular contracture repair procedure itself to ensure you look and feel your best.

    Yes; this is an outpatient procedure. A designated adult must be available to take you home following your capsular contracture repair surgery.

    The results of the capsular contracture repair surgery is usually permanent; however an individual’s bodily response to the protective scar tissue build up when a foreign entity is inserted in the body (the implant) varies from patient to patient. Our plastic surgeons will always be forthcoming with their expectations, as well as monitor your recovery in all follow-up appointments.

    Most patients can resume regular activities in one week but are cautioned to avoid any heavy lifting for at least 4 weeks.

    Patient pictures are showing Before and After results are actual patients – Individual results vary. Client Testimonials are based on personal experience and are the opinion of individual clients. Any claims made on this website are intended to provide information about procedures provided here. Realistic Individual results will be discussed with you based on your information with an initial consult with a doctor or health care professional provided for your free consultation. The information provided is NOT intended as medical advice and is for your general knowledge only.