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Pec Implants

The appearance of your chest can have a significant impact on your masculinity and self-esteem. In South Florida, most people are active and take good care of their bodies with regular exercise. However, it can be challenging to create a more sculpted and toned chest with exercise alone. Pectoral implants can improve the contour and projection of the chest in a straightforward, low-risk manner.

While exercise can certainly help to sculpt some areas of the body, you are ultimately limited by your genetics. That’s why more and more men are considering pectoral implant surgery in Ft. Lauderdale. At South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our Board Certified Doctors are committed to providing natural-looking results and a high level of expertise.

Pectoral implant surgery involves a procedure to place an implant under the pectoral (chest) muscle. This technique gives a well-proportioned chest that is still normal and natural.

Starting at $3,999

  • Implants can create a more masculine physique.
  • Most patients report increased confidence and self-esteem.
  • Implants look and feel like normal muscle tissue, so results are very natural.
  • Implants are customized to fit your needs and preferences.

The cost of pectoral implant surgery varies, depending on the patient and their desired results. We offer pectoral implants starting at $3,999, not including anesthesia or surgeon fees. However, your surgeon can give you a more precise estimate during your initial consultation. The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery is committed to helping our patients find the most convenient payment method for their procedure.

We work with three third-party financing companies to offer flexible payment plans with instant approval based upon your credit score. And, through our network of experienced physicians and vendors, and our agreements with competitive lenders, we’re confident that we can find a payment option that suits your lifestyle.


Enter your information below and one of our coordinators will reach out to begin your consultation process.

Before & After Pec Implants

Actual Patients Shown Before And After Surgery. Your Results May Vary.

Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella

    The Pec Implants Process


    During your initial consultation, you’ll work with your surgeon to address your concerns and desired results. We’ll show you sample implants in various sizes and recommend the appropriate size for your needs. Your surgeon will also give you specific advice about how to prepare for your procedure. So, you should share information with them about medications you’re taking and any health conditions you may have.


    Pectoral implant surgery is a fairly simple procedure, and the vast majority of patients experience no complications. Your surgeon will make a small incision in your armpit and create a pocket under the pectoral (chest) muscle to place your implant. All of our implants are constructed with FDA-approved, semi-solid silicone material to give the chest a naturally masculine appearance.


    Pectoral implant surgery usually only takes an hour or two, so it is performed on an outpatient basis. However, you can expect to be at our center for 4-5 hours. You will have dressings on your incision sites and you will be wrapped in a bandage for a few days following surgery. This will help keep swelling to a minimum, though some swelling and bruising should be expected. Your surgeon will want to see you regularly for a few weeks to ensure healing progresses normally. And, they will provide you with medication to mitigate any pain and soreness.

    Post Surgery

    You can resume light activities within a few days to a week, and resume exercise and other higher-impact activities in a month to six weeks. For most patients, their incision scars look pink for a few weeks and gradually fade to be very inconspicuous. You should be aware, however, that all scars are permanent and their ultimate form is not entirely predictable.

    Pectoral implant surgery is performed by making a small incision in the armpit, creating a pocket under the chest muscle, and placing a semi-solid, FDA-approved silicone implant inside. There is no risk of implant leakage with this technique. And, the results are very natural.

    You can schedule a consultation with us to learn more about the pectoral implant procedure and work with your surgeon to make the decisions that are right for you. Your surgeon will also perform a complete physical examination, take blood tests, and take photos of your treatment area during the consultation. Feel free to talk to your surgeon about the exact look you are hoping to achieve and any questions you have about your procedure.

    Pectoral implant surgery usually takes one to two hours.

    General anesthesia is usually required for pectoral implant surgery. At the South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, anesthesia is performed by a Professional M.D. Anesthesiologist.

    Pectoral implant surgery is done on an outpatient basis. However, it is necessary that you have someone to pick you up after the procedure, take you home, and stay with you for at least 24 hours.

    The pectoral implant procedure does not require a major recovery process. So, you should be able to take on light activities in a few days to a week. You can resume more strenuous activities, such as working out and heavy lifting, in about six weeks.

    Patient pictures are showing Before and After results are actual patients – Individual results vary. Client Testimonials are based on personal experience and are the opinion of individual clients. Any claims made on this website are intended to provide information about procedures provided here. Realistic Individual results will be discussed with you based on your information with an initial consult with a doctor or health care professional provided for your free consultation. The information provided is NOT intended as medical advice and is for your general knowledge only.