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Gynecomastia Surgery

Although oversized male breasts are not uncommon, they can affect your confidence. Studies show that more than half of all men in the United States have enlarged breasts (a medical condition known as gynecomastia). However, for men who feel self-conscious about their appearance, the safest and most effective treatment is male breast reduction surgery.

The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery is home to some of the top gynecomastia surgeons in the Ft. Lauderdale area. We have been helping men in South Florida battle gynecomastia for more than 15 years. Our team understands the shame and embarrassment that can come as a result of enlarged male breasts. We rely on advanced liposuction techniques whenever possible, and we are always conscious of the incision pattern for minimal scarring.

During breast reduction surgery, excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed to create a flatter and more classically masculine-looking chest. Our patients often experience both physical and psychological benefits from male breast reduction surgery.

Starting at $2,999

  • Experience a sudden boost of self-confidence.
  • Achieve a flatter, firmer chest.
  • Reduce enlarged areolas.
  • Remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to create a more masculine appearance.
  • Enjoy wearing close-fitting clothing or going shirtless at the pool or beach.
  • Exercise without the discomfort of oversized breasts.

The cost of male breast reduction surgery varies, depending on the volume of breast fat, tissue, and skin that needs to be removed. In some cases, only breast fat needs to be removed, which your surgeon can easily do using liposuction. In these cases, the cost is lower. We offer male breast reduction surgery starting at $2,999, not including anesthesia and surgeon fees.

The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery is committed to helping our patients find the most convenient payment method for their procedure. We work with three third-party financing companies to offer flexible payment plans with instant approval based upon your credit score. And, through our network of experienced physicians and vendors, and our agreements with competitive lenders, we’re confident that we can find a payment option that suits your lifestyle.

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Before & After Gynecomastia Surgery

Actual Patients Shown Before And After Surgery. Your Results May Vary.

Procedure done by Dr. Cucin
Procedure done by Dr. Cucin
Procedure done by Dr. Elnekaveh
Procedure done by Dr. Cucin
Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella
Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella
Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella
Procedure done by Dr. Pinnella
Procedure done by Dr. Cucin
Procedure done by Dr. Cucin

    The Gynecomastia Surgery Process


    During your initial visit, expect to provide your complete medical history, including all your medications, allergies, and previous surgeries. You’ll also undergo an extensive physical exam and blood tests before your surgeon takes photographs to aid in planning and performing your male breast reduction surgery.

    Photographs, which do not include your face, are important aids in planning and performing your breast reduction. They become a permanent part of your patient record and are taken before and several months after your procedure.


    The main goals of male breast reduction surgery are to remove excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts and restore a normal male breast contour. Depending on the nature of your excess breast tissue, a combination of procedures may be performed. If you have excess glandular tissue, it will likely be removed through an incision using a scalpel. However, excess fat tissue is typically removed using liposuction.


    After surgery, you will experience some discomfort once your anesthesia wears off, and your chest may be somewhat bruised or swollen. Our goal is to keep you as comfortable as possible. So, your surgeon will provide you with medication to mitigate any pain.

    It’s important to wear the compression garment provided by your surgeon (except when showering) for seven to ten days after your procedure. Your surgeon will also give you specific instructions to follow during your recovery, including rest and sleeping positions, bathing and showering techniques, and caring for your incision area.

    Post Surgery

    After about five days, your surgeon will remove your bandages. Your stitches will be removed in stages during the second week after your procedure, and you will likely still be sore. However, you should be able to resume most normal activities after a few days.

    Strenuous activities, such as heavy exercise, should be avoided for the first two to three weeks following surgery. And, your chest may not attain its final shape for up to ten weeks. Still, scarring for surgery is very minimal, and most men report natural, highly effective results.

    Gynecomastia Surgery Testimonials

    Greg M.

    “I recently had a gynecomastia. My surgeon at the South Florida Center did a really good job and I am very happy with my results and experience.”

    – Greg M.

    Excess glandular tissue is often removed through an incision using a scalpel, while excess fatty tissue is commonly treated with liposuction. Your surgeon will determine which treatment is most appropriate for you. But, in either case, the incision is usually hidden near the border of the dark tissue surrounding the nipple (areola). However, some surgeons may choose an incision under the arm when liposuction is used alone.

    During your consultation, your surgeon will give you specific directions to help you prepare for your procedure. Instructions generally include cautions about taking certain medication and drinking alcohol, the shaving process and the use of antibacterial soap. Your surgeon will also perform a complete physical examination, take blood tests, and take photos of your face to aid in planning and performing your breast reduction surgery.

    You can expect to be at our center for about 2-4 hours. However, the actual breast reduction surgery takes about two hours.

    Our professional M.D. Anesthesiologist always administers general anesthesia for all surgical procedures.

    Yes. Breast reduction surgery does not require a major recovery process. However, it is necessary that you have someone to pick you up after the procedure, take you home, and stay with you for at least 24 hours.

    Most men return to their usual activities in one week. However, it’s essential not to lift anything for the first two weeks. You should also avoid heavy lifting for the first four weeks, and avoid raising your arms above your head for at least two weeks.

    Patient pictures are showing Before and After results are actual patients – Individual results vary. Client Testimonials are based on personal experience and are the opinion of individual clients. Any claims made on this website are intended to provide information about procedures provided here. Realistic Individual results will be discussed with you based on your information with an initial consult with a doctor or health care professional provided for your free consultation. The information provided is NOT intended as medical advice and is for your general knowledge only.