
How To Prolong the Effects of Plastic Surgery

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Tips for maintaining the results of your Cosmetic Surgery

If you’re considering plastic surgery, you probably already have an idea of the results you’d like to achieve. However, keep in mind that your body constantly changes, and over time, the results of the procedure will transform as well due to natural aging processes. Some procedures have longer-lasting effects than others, but there are still ways to prolong the results of your treatment.


1. Mental Preparation

Don‚Äôt worry if you‚Äôre not sure which procedure is right for you. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will walk you through their recommendations during your initial consultation. However, before actually scheduling a procedure, you should have specific and, most importantly, realistic goals in mind. 

As a rule of thumb, look to make improvements instead of seeking perfection. Comparing yourself to celebrities or expecting to look like a specific person after surgery is not practical, and you could be disappointed with your results. Instead, take a look at our procedure pages to get an idea of which treatment may be a good fit for you. You can learn more about the typical results of each procedure and form realistic expectations for your treatment. 

You can typically expect a noticeable improvement in contour with most procedures and even a boost in self-esteem. However, if you are expecting anything more than that, you should know the limitations of your treatment.

Finally, be aware that you may need more than one surgery to achieve your desired results. Additional treatments could be anything from a minimally-invasive “touch-up” procedure to a traditional surgery that requires anesthesia. You should be prepared for the possibility of additional surgery to improve or maximize your results.

2. Physical Preparation

Your first step before considering specific treatments should be making sure you’re healthy enough to have a successful surgery. Generally, most people are great candidates for plastic surgery and won’t have a problem qualifying based on their health. But it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prolong the results of your treatment.

Nicotine, in particular, can significantly impact your body‚Äôs healing and recovery times. Smoking either before or immediately after your procedure can lead to serious issues, including pain, bleeding, and more visible scarring. We recommend our patients quit smoking for at least a few weeks before surgery to lessen the chance of complications. 

The way you spend your recovery time immediately after the treatment also has a significant impact on your results. Depending on the procedure, you might need days or even several weeks to fully recover. Even after your soreness and bruising subside, your surgeon may instruct you to continue restricting certain activities that could cause complications. 

Before you schedule your surgery, make sure you understand how long you will need to recover. It may be necessary for you to take time off work, which is not in everybody‚Äôs budget. Your surgeon will help you prepare for surgery by providing an estimate for your recovery time. But this isn‚Äôt always exact. Plan well in advance so that you can take paid leave or make other arrangements.  

Most importantly, be honest during your initial consultation so your coordinator and surgeon can give you the best and safest care. In addition to providing your complete medical history, you should let your surgeon know about any medications you take and whether you smoke or drink. Follow their instructions closely after surgery to ensure your results last longer without complications. 

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The key factors in maintaining long term results are diet, exercise, and mental health. Your doctor will provide you with detailed instructions after surgery. Read them carefully and take the prescribed medication. Not following your surgeon‚Äôs instructions can lead to complications or disappointing results. For some procedures, our surgeons recommend professional massages, recovery garments, and other treatments to speed up the healing process. 

Physical health is critical to ensure long-lasting results. Our body contouring procedures can transform your physique, but the results won‚Äôt last without a healthy diet and exercise routine. The best way to maintain your results is to exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet. Simple, but not always easy. Make small changes to support a healthier lifestyle before surgery, so the transition isn‚Äôt so difficult. 

Your surgeon will also give you instructions to clean and care for any post-treatment incisions and scarring. Scars are common for major surgeries. And although our surgeons work carefully to ensure scarring is as minimal as possible, they may still be visible after you recover. Keep the area clean and consider using a topical scar cream if recommended. 

Some medical-grade skincare products can help fade scarring and enhance your results. There are ineffective and potentially dangerous scar creams on the market, so choose carefully. We recommend Sillagen to patients seeking an effective and safe choice. 

Common Mistakes

The most common mistake patients make is having unrealistic expectations. There are limitations in plastic surgery, and certain results can‚Äôt be achieved because of a person‚Äôs individual features. While there‚Äôs nothing wrong with using photos to explain the ‚Äúlook‚Äù you‚Äôre going for, remember that plastic surgery is not magic. You should be both physically and mentally healthy to ensure a safe surgery and smooth recovery. 

Deciding to get plastic surgery for the wrong reason is another common mistake. Patients who want surgery to fix their low self-esteem or please another person are not good candidates for treatment. Plastic surgery should be a personal choice to make improvements to your appearance. Trying to look exactly like someone else typically leads to unsatisfying results, regardless of how well your treatment went.  

As we previously discussed, maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important to ensure longer-lasting results. A common mistake is when patients use plastic surgery as a “first step” toward weight loss. Losing weight first is far more effective and leads to better results. Once you’ve lost weight, schedule surgery to achieve your optimal results and continue your routine to make the effects last longer.


If you’re deciding to get plastic surgery, we’re sure you have plenty of questions. Schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons today to discuss your concerns and learn more about the treatments we offer. We will thoroughly evaluate your physical and mental health to determine whether you’re a candidate for a particular procedure. You can also expect your surgeon to provide alternative treatments and different treatment plans, so you can decide which option is best for you.

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